Eclipse Setup

This project utilizes Groovy, Maven and Git. Eclipse does not support these technologies natively, but they are supported by community plugins.

eGit Plugin Install

eGit is a plugin for Eclipse that attempts to integrate Git with Eclipse's "Team" SCM functionality. eGit is half-baked and it is recommended to use SourceTree, TortoiseGit or the command line to work with git. eGit does provide visual indicators for edited files and that is the main reason to install the plugin.

  1. In Eclipse, goto "Help" > "Marketplace" and search for "egit"
  2. Install egit plugin
  3. Restart Eclipse
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Maven Plugin Install

The framework is built using Maven 3. Maven is built in to Eclipse Juno but only for the Java version. If you have any other version, please follow the steps below to install the m2e plugin for Maven Eclipse integration.

  1. In Eclipse, goto "Help" > "Marketplace" and search for "m2e"
  2. Click on "Maven Integration for Eclipse"
  3. Install m2e plugin
  4. Restart Eclipse
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Groovy Plugin Install

Groovy is a JVM based language that compiles down into Java byte-code. In order to do this, the Groovy plugin compiles the Groovy Clases into Java classes and places them in the "target" folder. The "target" folder is the default build directory for Maven and the contents are to be considered volatile.

  1. In Eclipse, goto "Help" > "Marketplace" and search for "Groovy"
  2. Install "Groovy Eclipse" plugin
  3. Restart Eclipse
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Eclipse Project File

NOTE: Eclipse Project File Creation

When first starting or when the Eclipse is acting strange (can't find files, compile errors, etc), the .project file should be re-generated. Maven can generate the .project file through the maven-eclipse-plugin. Since this is used often, it is recommended to create a "Run Configuration" for easy use.

  1. Setup a Run Configuration to generate the Eclipse Project file
    1. Click on "Run Configurations"
    2. Add a "Maven Build" configuration
    3. Set the "Base Directory" to the project's base
    4. Name the Run Configuration "eclipse:eclipse"
    5. Set "Goals" to be "eclipse:eclipse"
    6. Click on the "Common" tab
    7. Check the "Run" checkbox in "Display in favorites menu"
    8. Click on "Run" - This closes and saves the run configuration for easy reuse
    NOTE: Must have m2e installed, see Maven Plugin Install
  2. Right-click on the project in the navigator, select "Refresh"
  3. Right-click on the "target/generated-sources/groovy-stubs" and select build-path > Exclude from Build Path to remove the duplicate classes in Eclipse. 1

1 - Maven-based polyglot projects in Eclipse have a few bugs, namely the Groovy Stubs are automatically included in the BUILD PATH and must be ignored.

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